Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cappillaries In The Chest


Una sconfitta.

Ho in bocca il sapore amaro dell’illusione. Forse è più la consapevolezza della disillusione. O anche la l’illusione di una riuscita fallita, o di una emancipazione mai avvenuta, e ancora l'illusione di un benessere insano. O forse è solo disillusione.


Parole mai dette e sensi di colpa pesanti che ti pendono sulla testa, per poi sentirli un giorno si e un giorno no. Ho represso il dolore, provocando altro dolore soffro piango taccio e mi arrendo. Ma resto concreta e disillusa, conscia che qualsivoglia sprazzo di desiderio è destinato a infrangersi contro un muro di basalto, ottusamente, ciclicamente, cinicamente ostinata, con sdegno, con impeto.

Come onde contro una scogliera.

Sono disillusa e concreta quando sistemo i 50 cent nella taschina dei miei jeans. Sono ferma e distaccata. Illusa, inequivocabilmente chiara e distinta, mentre l'odore di fiamme impazzite mi penetra nelle narici. La senti? la constant D, the Final Demolition of my vow of Disillusionment. D as destiny. D as a red dragon. D as a dynamic ... Disaster, Loss, Women, Duel, Damn, Durability, Damage, but basically .... Desire.
The duel is just beginning, and has already done enough damage. Leaving the field against the Red Dragon not have escape routes. E 'struggle continues ... clings to you and intoxicate you with its intermittent flames. Squinting, Donna, you're just another piece of living cells ... the answer is unknown ... but maybe it's just a game.

deluded "and suddenly everything went dark, the shadows stretched until it was lost in the night when the The old boy took her hand and asked "God weeps like us?". Meanwhile, the first drops began to fall, the smell of rain, making breathing rose, while the old man clutching his coat said, "God weeps often, I believe, only that we can not know. this is like rain, you know it when you get wet. "

The man is like the rain, we see the other only when we meet, when we collide with them. Just like the rain we quotas, accessories accidental. We will spend as long as rain rain and more rain will not wash away everything. Would you like to move but you know that if you move everything, though it goes, another will be different and you find yourself watching the rain fall, more drops will mark your face and you know that more rain will fall, but "can not rain forever."

or not?


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