Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Danger Is My Bag Baby

Like the rain, unexpected, silent and hidden but real, inevitable though incomprehensible and wrong. Strong as the momentum of the wave when the sea rages scary, fascinating, and so with great carelessness with his head bent toward the invisible waves of fate.

Do not ask me why but I loved you.

Rivers of words thrown on these icy fiery ardor of the keys that I wrote that before you lose the customary modesty. No shame or inhibition in dreaming in my bed with great passion. And the angels weep in heaven understand that if his mind gives way to love, but sometimes you can even sin. Sin for the noblest of feelings since Paolo and Francesca was a source of torment. Jealous of the glass that you touched my mouth ... I want to be just me the only thing that affects you. I lived my death as a damned soul that day subdued by the events of January come la più grande dei soprani recitai la mia tragedia con il cuore stretto tra le mani. Calato il sipario feci l'inchino su quel mesto scenario, ma non fu il mio sposo fin poco prima amato che cercai nella notte del mio più grande sbaglio. Ingoiai il presente ma vomitai passato. E poi parole, promesse, risi, pianti, pensieri. Per te che mi hai portato verso nuovi sentieri. E poi ancora volere superare le paure e le distanze E portarmi da te ed iniziare tra le lenzuola le nostre danze per imparare la sottile arte degli amanti. Gustare fedelmente il nettare di quell'amore come tanti.. Ma unico come nessuno. Nel buio dell'incerto tu sei qualcuno. Sinuosa e calda vorrei scivolare tra le tue braccia, desiderosa d'esser preda della tua caccia. Le mani, i respiri, le labbra, gli sguardi, il tocco, l'ansimo, il gusto, fino ad arrivare a toccare quei traguardi dove il cuore scoppia e le carni infuocano i gesti peccaminosi di due corpi che si amano mentre si uniscono in uno solo fino al giorno di quel saluto incerto dove restare o andare mi dava lo stesso tormento.

Ti adoro mio mancato sposo il mio cuore per te non avrà riposo.

Questa rima baciata è dedicata a te che nei miei sogni, del mio castello, sei il re. Sei la mia vita, l'unico che voglia al mio fianco, nel mio letto, nel mio cuore...vieni a vivere con me e saremo felici per sempre.

Blueprints For A Bench

fetino of Capricorn

Monday, February 8, 2010

Pregnancy Signs More Condition_symptoms

Dear Valentine, I beat you on time.

Quest 'year, after a long time, February 14 will go from the single and the most terrible thing is that I feel alone but I will never be alone.
A Valentine's Day couples feel as compelled to flaunt their glorious feeling knowing in their heart of hearts (the very heart of marzipan covered with caramel, in turn, covered with honey), that that wonderful feeling of lightness and warmth that spreads from the chest is really slimy, sour gorgeous sadism towards the abandoned poor get depressed on Valentine's Day.
Here's the ranking of attitudes more popular among supporters of love at all costs (whether real or fake ) ,a seguire il meteo.
Alla numero quattro troviamo " chiedere all'amica single , o meglio ancora lasciata da poco, di accompagnarti a scegliere un completino sexy sadomaso sottile come la pelle della salsiccia per una notte di fuoco con il tuo prestante uomo ( del quale ovviamente espliciterai dimensioni delle parti intime e perversioni sollevando un sopracciglio e mordendoti il labbro".
Alla numero tre " Cercare di scambiarsi i regali esclusivamente di fronte a chiunque non sia nella situazione coppia felice chiedendo al malcapitato ' ohh non è fantastico? ' ( baci con risucchio modello lavandino intasato a seguire ).
Alla numero due " Ricordare i vecchi tempi, con estrema aria di compassione, quando la suddetta coppia e il victim were happily coupled ... everything. "
Finally the number one thing that you should NEVER do if your partner next to the weapon or think there are even vaguely to ask" So what? How's your love life? (Wink) you already have plans for Valentine's Day? ".
On 14 February, the couples seem to sprout like Amanita Muscaria in the village of Smurfs. As we outline pairs of dogs, pairs of individuals, pairs of birds cooing on the roof of the documentary on reproduction of Scolopendra cingulata and the best songs 'love of the 80s all this media shopping.Tra singles survive each year, each in its own way more or less dignitosamente.Il single on Valentine's Day may decide whether or not caring can be lulled by depression. Between the two categories those who belong to the first conviction of armed leave in search of some desperate soul circuit, the second plunge into the darkness of a room in which it is necessary to have a television, sofa, high-calorie food, unclean, tissue paper and dvd Dirty Dancing, Bridget Jones's Diary, Titanic, or as single sex, erotic movie / porn which I could not list any title (I ask forgiveness for this failure to which I can not wait to NOT cover).
I'm sure he got to this point, someone will think I'm sour and frustrated because what I thought was the love of my life He left, that of "And they lived happily forever," that sometimes, even if in secret, made me think about how our children would have been nice. It 'here that you might have an impression sbagliata.Non are frustrated, the less acid or cynical because every time that I loved I did it all myself and do it again. Valentine's Day, or rather, February 14th is a sad time for me but not for the absence the prince by my side but for the absence of a person who would give his life for me and gave me all the love that you could have all the stealing Valentine's world.This is my explanation for this San Valentine, never forget you Grandpa, thanks for everything.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Brazilian Wax And Hemroid

Help me

AAA cercasi aiuto per dimenticare.

E yes, it is stronger than me.
I do not know what to do, I deleted the phone numbers on the phone, I deleted from Facebook, I deleted all his mail from the phone book .... But the temptation is great. Whenever I'm at the keyboard but I do not do peace ... I told him that it's over. It's only been 15 days and he, unlike me, has already rebuilt a life with another .... Yet even up to 10 days ago screaming love me ... If I think the anger that sparked the gesture that made me!

A trivial quarrel ended with a tug and two bruises on my arm ...

Yet there were many things that rowed against our history. I was not so sicura di lui, non volevo un ragazzo più giovane, e odiavo la sua gelosia morbosa come il suo modo violento e coatto di arrabbiarsi e urlare. Però mi mancano tutte quelle cose che forse ho dato per scontato. Le serate sul divano a vedere la tv, i giochi con la wi, gli sms stupidi...

In questi casi vorrei che "le mie amiche" mi stessero proprio in questi momenti mi accorgo che non c'è nessuno. Sono sola in una casa che ancora non sento mia, con una gatta che non vede l'ora di fuggire. Nemmeno lei vuole stare con me. Il mio cellulare squilla solo nell'orario di lavoro e per lavoro.

Ma come si fa a ricominciare?

Mi sono anche dimenticata come si respira, in modo consapevole. Vorrei riuscire to control my mind and be able to transfer an immediate sense of calm ... but do not know.

not belong to me anymore, and what he did should be able to remove the bad memories that is beautiful ... but it is not.

This attitude is destroying me and I can not do it alone to start over again .. to walk again with no one next door.

Maybe that's why I feel so bad? I know it was not the "right", but who does not determine who is or who is?

... I can not start by itself ...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Swollen Glands More Condition_symptoms

There is only the fog

Behold, I am back. New life, new post. Of course this is just
a beginning enthusiast ... but not really.

In short, at last (many would say) I left the family roof big baby and I went with a precarious Fees!

But I can tell you one thing? It 'really sad ... and is unfolding in me a feeling that I did not expect: FEAR!

The fear of leaving their "certainty" is one thing that scares me, and that requires great thoughts (unless there are people living just on impulse, but at this point I ask to serve the remainder kilogram of matter gray ...)

In my post, since I started this blog, read my difficulty, they are actually my "screaming" groped to convince "someone to love me" as I meant.

in straight lines so afraid I was only hidden (not just the course). There was fear and I admit that it is human.

But last week, a "just" happened to me so suddenly, I decided to start a new road.

And I'm not running away from the old one. But perhaps before I take it taaaanto to learn more. Because there are things that were missing in me.

And so, I'm a person with great potential because I wanted to stop being afraid.

I wanted to prove to me that every fear can be overcome if tackled with commitment ... or at least someone told me so. And so it had to disappear.

I had to win ... it was my mantra!

But now, I lost my mantra ... And now I'm walking, trying to find friendly faces and eyes full of hope in these eyes cross ...

Although I have not met anyone, and there is only fog in the distance ..

Monday, February 1, 2010

Funny Birthday Clipart