... Christmas is approaching too quickly to tell the truth. I love the Christmas charity, perfumes, sweets, the lights, the presents, but can not begin in October and ending in February. In my preparations to anticipate so much you lose a little 'magic at all, but there you are ... However apart from that, here at my home in the Alto Adige is a particularly strong, there is the famous market which will be inaugurated on 26 and which I will talk later. The real treats, however, can be found in bakeries and pastry shops because they are filled with trays, bags and other containers crammed full of the typical Christmas cookies. Here's a real tradition, more German than Italian, but I've never seen anyone refuse cookies or cinnamon bells of St. Nicholas:) These are also Spitzbuben, which actually can also be found at year but a bigger version that invade all the windows at Christmas time, especially in mni version, which I adore. There are several variants, two classic (the apricot jam and icing sugar and raspberry jam and chocolate) and a more modern yet very tasty (Nutella). Personally I love them, they are just desserts Puto, nor too soft nor too crunchy and creamy then great:) When they do, never last more than a day.
To make these cookies they sell the molds on purpose (with the stencil to make the center hole) but you can safely use a mold and a smaller larger:)
refined for the pastry:
300 g butter 150 g icing sugar 1 egg
00 500 g flour 10 g baking powder for cakes
1 pinch salt 1 or 2 packets of vanilla, lemon or orange (in this case I used vanillin)
for the filling:
chocolate apricot jam raspberry
I poured in the kenwood softened butter cut into pieces and I "installed" with sugar. I added the egg, then flour, salt, vanilla, baking powder. I did knead until the dough is well ammalgamare. Of course the same procedure is possible in the hand. I created a ball and I put it in the refrigerator until the mixture reaches a good consistency: not too hard, but workable.
I pulled the dough from the fridge and I stretched out, helped a bit 'of flour to the dough does not stick. Having to assemble two biscotti, ho steso la pasta il più sottile possibile, ma abbastanza spessa perché il bicotto non si rompa in mano quando si trasferisce sulla teglia. Ho prestato attenzione a realizzare tante parti inferiori, quante superiori (che devono avere un foro centrale). Ho trasferito i biscotti su una teglia da forno ricoperta di carta da forno. Ho infornato a 180° in forno ventilato, per circa 5 minuti. Attenzione: un minuto può fare la differenza!!! Si devono estrarre i biscotti appena iniziano a dorare sui bordi. Fatelo anche se vi sembrano ancora crudi, pena trovarvi dei biscotti duri come il marmo o peggio bruciati.
Ho fatto raffreddare i biscotti su una gratella dopo di che ho iniziato a farcirli.
Per il primo tipo di Spitzbuben ho spalmato the base with a bit 'of apricot jam, I've superimposed the top and dusted with powdered sugar.
For the second type I melted the chocolate in a double boiler and I dipped the tops of the biscuits. I helped her with pliers and I made them dry on a wire rack. I coated the bottom with raspberry jam and I superimposed the two sides.
For the third type I stuffed biscuits with nutella and I did some doodles with chocolate on top.
This recipe, as well as being included in my collection (which I call again to participate), will also be part of the collection of Ornella.

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