Chiariamolo now, the recipe is not exactly the original one: the difficulty of finding some ingredients has made it necessary to change a little 'the recipe, but now you have the almost never understand ... you will not find a recipe verbatim. Despite my changes I assure you that this cake is delicious and I think it's a good idea for a fruit cake a bit 'different from the usual:) The recipe from which I left, although originally Montersino, was taken from Dolcipensieri, more precisely here. However, I will carry everything that I used. Of course, nothing prevents you from using different fruits to decorate, given free rein to your imagination!
Ingredients (for a 24x24 pan):
For the sponge:
3 eggs 125 g sugar 125 g
flour 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 pinch
For the lemon chantilly:
0.5 liters of whole milk 4 egg
80 grams of flour 150 g sugar + 53 g butter 53 g
53 grams of lemon juice 250 gr
fresh cream 1 tablespoon lemon
6 sheets of gelatin bread of angels
For the strawberry jelly: 300 g strawberries
2 / 3 tablespoons sugar 5 sheets of gelatine
bread of angels
To decorations:
kiwi berry jelly
transparent roofing
I prepared the cake pan Beat the eggs with sugar, I added the salt, vanilla and lastly the flour (incorporating it gently with a spatula, silicone). I poured the mixture into a square baking pan lined with parchment paper and cooked at 180 ° conventional oven.
I prepared the custard mix the egg yolks with sugar (150 g), vanilla and flour. I joined a little milk and put the rest to boil. Once hot, I paid a little more 'in the egg mixture, then I transferred the mixture into the saucepan and cook until it reaches the desired consistency (should be pretty compact). I dissolved the gelatin previously Ammolite a cold water and squeezed and I built the cream, stirring well. I made it cool.
In a saucepan, I melted butter, sugar and lemon juice, I did thicken a bit 'in the mixture, stirring well. I built this creamy sauce of lemon custard. No need to add all the remaining part is used for bathing.
I finished mixing the cream with the custard cream well whipped.
I peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bkiwi and strawberries. I took a square mold, the kind that open, and I lined the bottom with parchment paper. I distributed the fruit on the bottom and I have poured over, level, chantilly cream. I put everything in the freezer to harden (I had no time).
Meanwhile I prepared the gelatin with strawberries strawberries and boil with sugar. I have built la gelatina, precedentemente ammolata e strizzata. Ho messo a raffreddare un pochino in frigo. Una volta che la gelatina a raggiunto una consistenza un po' densa (diciamo più o meno come uno yogurt), l'ho versata sulla chantilly, cercando di distribuirla nel modo migliore possibile.
Per la bagna ho preso la rimanente cremina al limone, ho allungato con un po' di acqua e ho aggiunto un paio di cucchiai di zucchero.
Con un pennello di silicone ho bagnato il pan di spagna con la bagna. Ho appoggiato il pan di spagna sulla chantilly e ho messo tutto in frigo.
Una volta che il dolce si è ben compattato ho girato il dolce (il sotto è diventato il sopra e viceversa). Ho levato la carta da forno e ho spennellato la superficie con la gelatina per torte. Ho messo a raffreddare e per ultima cosa ho decorato con i frutti di bosco!
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