Credo che fino a poco tempo fa non avrei mai pensato di preparare il panettone a casa, eppure eccomi qua. Qui nevica da ieri sera e stamattina svegliandomi mi sono detta: oggi è giornata da panettone! Si bello, peccato che tante delle ricette che si trovano in giro presuppongano il prendersi 3 giorni di ferie per stare dietro ai 10.000 passaggi, oppure necessitino della fantomatica pasta madre, che io non ho mai osato preparare. Poi si è accesa la lampadina: ma certo, la macchina del pane! Una breve ricerca su google ed ecco che approdo sul blog di ovosodo , pieno di bellissime ricette, fra cui anche quella del panettone da fare con la macchina del pane. Un rapido controllo in frigo and off to cook! The result was overwhelming and the smell of Christmas that is spreading throughout the house, a sweet, soft, ethereal, light, perfect! If I say I do not eat cake .... and for that I'm going crazy! I've made some changes to the recipe, please refer to the above link to the original recipe, I say as I did, having also a different bread machine.
Small note: my mother says that a little 'sugar more would be nice, looks good to me so, but actually is not very sweet. I leave you the recipe, which seems a bit complicated but it is only 'long (certo. ... does almost everything the camera;)).
WARNING: I made a mistake, or had omitted two basic ingredients: the vanilla and lemon peel. Now I corrected, sorry again!
Ingredients (for a cake 1 kg): 400 grams of flour
7 grams of dried yeast
200 g milk 20 g corn malt
5 g salt 100 g
of butter 100 grams of sugar (as said before, if you want to add your own a bit ')
3 egg yolks 150 grams of raisins (I hate the candy, but you can add them)
2 packets of vanilla
peel a lemon
I took the basket and I put in order: milk, malt, salt (from the opposite side), the flour and finally the yeast. I operated the program for two rising times for a total of 3 hours. I then left to rise for another 2 hours. The mixture has reached about 3 / 4 of the tank.
I operated the program for sweet bread and I started adding the vanilla, lemon peel, 1 / 3 sugar, I did ammalgamare well, then egg yolk (room temperature), I ammalgamare well and add 1 / 3 of butter (cut into pieces and at room temperature). I repeated the process until the end of the ingredients. At the beep I added raisins, previously soaked in a little 'hot water. At this point, however, I realized that the 300 grams of flour listed in the original recipe were very few for my dough, I then added 100 grams of flour, so as to take a look at my dough elastic, full-bodied, though a bit 'sticky. I cooked until the end of the program. I took out the basket and I tilted, making the cake to cool (the cake should be done to cool upside down but I did not know how the hell to do, my inclination has rested).
Here comes the cake! See the large bubbles?
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