If a stranger saw me cooking a little shocked I guess that would remain: in the kitchen I feel in my room Natural and say that I let myself go ... sometimes too:) dancing, singing and then I'm enchanted to watch them the sweets that are colored in the oven, the bread rises. Do not tell you the elation when preparing the couscous Vits for the first time I open up the clams. For those who live by the sea this statement seems to be extraterrestrial, but here in the mountains is not who is who knows how many fish (and costs an eye della testa) e le vongole in casa mia sono quasi sempre entrare già sgusciate. Insomma a vedere queste piccole conchiglie fare "pop" e aprirsi magicamente il mio spirito infantile si è impossessato di me e sono stata li a guardarmi mezzo kg di vongole aprirsi: lo so non sono normale :D
Vabbeh dopo aver scioccato anche voi vi parlo di questa ricettina: il cous cous piccante di vongole. L'altro giorno volevo cucinare ste benedette vongole ma gli spaghetti mi sembravano banali così mi sono detta: beh facciamole col cous cous! Sono partita a cercare qualche ispirazione su google e sono approdata sul blog di Laura: profumo di sicilia . Fateci un salto perché ci sono davvero delle ricette favolose! Comunque sono capitata sulla sua wonderful recipe for couscous that you find here and decided I would have been my inspiration:)
Here's what came out: a very good cous cous taste, good hot or cold (warm is perfect in my opinion). The portion you see is small (my coppapasta is small) but increases a little 'becomes a perfect dish!
Ingredients (serves 4):
500 grams of clams (I used frozen ones)
100 g of clam broth
1 clove garlic 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
1 cup fish stock (so to speak is a glass of Nutella)
2 small dried chillies
pomotori 1 can of tomatoes (I use those smoothies mutti)
1.5 cup precooked couscous (roughly 260 grams)
oil, salt
In a large pot and low I put the clams, the clam broth, garlic, peeled and cut in half. I lit a fire under the pot and I started to go. When the clam broth began to shrink, I added the fish stock, parsley and basil. I did all the clams open. I then added the tomato and chilli powder. I turned off under fire and I loved the cous cous. I let it rest for 5 minutes, so I shelled the couscous with a fork and I adjusted oil and salt. With this
recipe for the collection of Butter and Honey:

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