I segreti che uno slip nasconde
Non c'è nulla di più intimo del proprio cassetto della biancheria. Tu frugami nell'anima se vuoi, ma stai alla larga dalle mie mutande. Di seta, di microfibra, di pizzo, di cotone, perizoma, brasiliano, o il classico slip, quello che uso quando vado dal medico, tu dimmi cosa c'è di più intimo.
E i reggiseni? A balconcino, a triangolo, e quelli imbottiti, con tripla spugnetta...morirei se qualcuno li vedesse.
Ed è per questo che non metto mai la mia biancheria lying in the sun. On the heater, hanging on the door handle, attached to a wall, anywhere as long as is safe, safe from prying eyes.
When I see the row of pink knickers vaguely of Lady Catherine, I feel a little embarrassed for her, is now elderly, but always hides a secret underwear, panties with pancierina incorporated, for example, I did not know existed.
few days ago, over the hood of my car, parked just below the balcony of Lady Catherine, I found a thong in black latex. Urca, I think, but this stuff here to Catherine would not enter even 30 years ago . The lift using a twig, and the hill on the ledge of his balcony. When you return the slip sparito.Dimentico the incident until a few days ago after leaving the house a tall, slender cross coming out of the house of my elderly neighbors. He runs hastily up the stairs with his head down, as Mrs. Catherine entertains me with some gossip: "Did you know, madam, that my nephew came to live with me? It 's a holy man, he attended the seminar."
images by Sarah Klassen
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