I segreti che uno slip nasconde
Non c'è nulla di più intimo del proprio cassetto della biancheria. Tu frugami nell'anima se vuoi, ma stai alla larga dalle mie mutande. Di seta, di microfibra, di pizzo, di cotone, perizoma, brasiliano, o il classico slip, quello che uso quando vado dal medico, tu dimmi cosa c'è di più intimo.
E i reggiseni? A balconcino, a triangolo, e quelli imbottiti, con tripla spugnetta...morirei se qualcuno li vedesse.
Ed è per questo che non metto mai la mia biancheria lying in the sun. On the heater, hanging on the door handle, attached to a wall, anywhere as long as is safe, safe from prying eyes.
When I see the row of pink knickers vaguely of Lady Catherine, I feel a little embarrassed for her, is now elderly, but always hides a secret underwear, panties with pancierina incorporated, for example, I did not know existed.
few days ago, over the hood of my car, parked just below the balcony of Lady Catherine, I found a thong in black latex. Urca, I think, but this stuff here to Catherine would not enter even 30 years ago . The lift using a twig, and the hill on the ledge of his balcony. When you return the slip sparito.Dimentico the incident until a few days ago after leaving the house a tall, slender cross coming out of the house of my elderly neighbors. He runs hastily up the stairs with his head down, as Mrs. Catherine entertains me with some gossip: "Did you know, madam, that my nephew came to live with me? It 's a holy man, he attended the seminar."
images by Sarah Klassen
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Gay Cruising Areas In Nj
Un tocco di colore
To those who think that the yellow gloves are being used to wash the dishes and the green to fertilize plants.
To those who never go out of line.
Who does not know the meaning of the word 'dare '. Who
a hint of color, a touch of sparkle, a bit of fantasy is not my thing .
Who does not know who is allowed out of the endless gray this winter.
Images: unknow and stockholm street style .
To those who think that the yellow gloves are being used to wash the dishes and the green to fertilize plants.
To those who never go out of line.
Who does not know the meaning of the word 'dare '. Who
a hint of color, a touch of sparkle, a bit of fantasy is not my thing .
Who does not know who is allowed out of the endless gray this winter.
Images: unknow and stockholm street style .
Friday, March 4, 2011
Pancreatic Cancer More Condition_symptoms
Salad of fennel, oranges and smoked swordfish with clams spicy cous cous
now you'll see, I participated in the contest the final day. The beauty is that this recipe I made at least two weeks but strength to say "no time" I came today and I remembered the end of the contest "fruit in the pot." Vabbeh by luckily I did and I am also very happy to participate with this recipe because it came a fairy tale (modestamente!!). It 's very chic and proposes an elegant dinner, you can not deface. The beauty is that it is quick to prepare and really delicious! Pleasing the palates of food lovers full of flavor, but also the women pay more attention to the line and more "delicatine. In short: that's great for everyone! I leave you the recipe and a kiss: *
Ingredients (for 2-3 people, depending on whether you want larger or smaller portions, we ate in 2):
2 oranges 2 small fennel
250 gr of smoked swordfish
some green olives
a small small piece of onion
oil, salt and pepper mix (black, pink, green and white) I
Very simple clean and wash the fennel. I cut up until the mixer (using the appropriate disk). I live peeled oranges and I made small pieces (I admit I was not very good). I cut the swordfish into strips. I cut the onion and put it in cold water. I cut each into 3 parts oil (mine were giants). I took a round pastry rings and I leaned on the plate. I filled three-quarters of fennel, pressing trying to occupy all the spaces. I distributed the orange on the surface. I followed the perimeter with the olives and in the middle I placed the swordfish. I repeated the same for both portions. In a small bowl I mixed 3 tablespoons of oil with a bit 'of salt and a little' pepper. I put a tablespoon of flavored oil and a half on each salad and I decorated all around with the onion. Just before serving I raised the coppapasta (eye breaks everything down very easily!).
With this recipe I participate in the contest of flour and yeast fantasy :
now you'll see, I participated in the contest the final day. The beauty is that this recipe I made at least two weeks but strength to say "no time" I came today and I remembered the end of the contest "fruit in the pot." Vabbeh by luckily I did and I am also very happy to participate with this recipe because it came a fairy tale (modestamente!!). It 's very chic and proposes an elegant dinner, you can not deface. The beauty is that it is quick to prepare and really delicious! Pleasing the palates of food lovers full of flavor, but also the women pay more attention to the line and more "delicatine. In short: that's great for everyone! I leave you the recipe and a kiss: *
Ingredients (for 2-3 people, depending on whether you want larger or smaller portions, we ate in 2):
2 oranges 2 small fennel
250 gr of smoked swordfish
some green olives
a small small piece of onion
oil, salt and pepper mix (black, pink, green and white) I
Very simple clean and wash the fennel. I cut up until the mixer (using the appropriate disk). I live peeled oranges and I made small pieces (I admit I was not very good). I cut the swordfish into strips. I cut the onion and put it in cold water. I cut each into 3 parts oil (mine were giants). I took a round pastry rings and I leaned on the plate. I filled three-quarters of fennel, pressing trying to occupy all the spaces. I distributed the orange on the surface. I followed the perimeter with the olives and in the middle I placed the swordfish. I repeated the same for both portions. In a small bowl I mixed 3 tablespoons of oil with a bit 'of salt and a little' pepper. I put a tablespoon of flavored oil and a half on each salad and I decorated all around with the onion. Just before serving I raised the coppapasta (eye breaks everything down very easily!).
With this recipe I participate in the contest of flour and yeast fantasy :

Polycystic Overies More Condition_symptoms
If a stranger saw me cooking a little shocked I guess that would remain: in the kitchen I feel in my room Natural and say that I let myself go ... sometimes too:) dancing, singing and then I'm enchanted to watch them the sweets that are colored in the oven, the bread rises. Do not tell you the elation when preparing the couscous Vits for the first time I open up the clams. For those who live by the sea this statement seems to be extraterrestrial, but here in the mountains is not who is who knows how many fish (and costs an eye della testa) e le vongole in casa mia sono quasi sempre entrare già sgusciate. Insomma a vedere queste piccole conchiglie fare "pop" e aprirsi magicamente il mio spirito infantile si è impossessato di me e sono stata li a guardarmi mezzo kg di vongole aprirsi: lo so non sono normale :D
Vabbeh dopo aver scioccato anche voi vi parlo di questa ricettina: il cous cous piccante di vongole. L'altro giorno volevo cucinare ste benedette vongole ma gli spaghetti mi sembravano banali così mi sono detta: beh facciamole col cous cous! Sono partita a cercare qualche ispirazione su google e sono approdata sul blog di Laura: profumo di sicilia . Fateci un salto perché ci sono davvero delle ricette favolose! Comunque sono capitata sulla sua wonderful recipe for couscous that you find here and decided I would have been my inspiration:)
Here's what came out: a very good cous cous taste, good hot or cold (warm is perfect in my opinion). The portion you see is small (my coppapasta is small) but increases a little 'becomes a perfect dish!
Ingredients (serves 4):
500 grams of clams (I used frozen ones)
100 g of clam broth
1 clove garlic 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
1 cup fish stock (so to speak is a glass of Nutella)
2 small dried chillies
pomotori 1 can of tomatoes (I use those smoothies mutti)
1.5 cup precooked couscous (roughly 260 grams)
oil, salt
In a large pot and low I put the clams, the clam broth, garlic, peeled and cut in half. I lit a fire under the pot and I started to go. When the clam broth began to shrink, I added the fish stock, parsley and basil. I did all the clams open. I then added the tomato and chilli powder. I turned off under fire and I loved the cous cous. I let it rest for 5 minutes, so I shelled the couscous with a fork and I adjusted oil and salt. With this
recipe for the collection of Butter and Honey:

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Double Vision More Condition_symptoms
cheesecake flavored with lemon and raspberry jam
Ok, I know, participate in the collection with a mascarpone cheesecake is not exactly original but I was a sweet and maybe someone can please;) The cream is well flavored with lemon marmalade and a touch of sweetness. If you want in the right season you can decorate the cake with fresh raspberries. With some more elaborate decorations in my opinion is a good idea for a birthday cake alternative. E 'is good warm or cold and what to say .... taste it if you like:) a kiss
Ingredients (for a 15 cm dish):
90 grams of biscuits (I used the gold biscuit)
55 g butter 2 eggs
125 grams of sugar (with these doses will take rather sweet, if you do not like particularly sugar decrease it a bit 'but not too much)
1 lemon 250 g mascarpone 40 g
quark cream (you can use greek yoghurt)
4 tablespoons raspberry jam
I started smashing the cookies with the pestacarne . In microwave, melt the butter I made and I mixed the powder biscuits. I lined the bottom of the pan (in my case a circle of aluminum adjustable) with baking paper, and always helping me with pestacarne) I created the base of the cheesecake and biscuits. In na bowl I whisked the eggs with sugar until the mixture to become clear. So I've added the mascarpone and beat well with a whisk until all lumps dissolve. I added the grated rind of lemon. Finally I added the quark and I mixed well. I smeared with a spoonful of jam on the basis of good biscuits, so I poured over the cream. I baked at 170 degrees for 50 minutes. When cooked, I extracted the cheesecake from the oven and I did cool down for good. The cheesecake is much lower cooling but is perfectly normal!
With this recipe for the collection of air in the kitchen :
Ok, I know, participate in the collection with a mascarpone cheesecake is not exactly original but I was a sweet and maybe someone can please;) The cream is well flavored with lemon marmalade and a touch of sweetness. If you want in the right season you can decorate the cake with fresh raspberries. With some more elaborate decorations in my opinion is a good idea for a birthday cake alternative. E 'is good warm or cold and what to say .... taste it if you like:) a kiss
Ingredients (for a 15 cm dish):
90 grams of biscuits (I used the gold biscuit)
55 g butter 2 eggs
125 grams of sugar (with these doses will take rather sweet, if you do not like particularly sugar decrease it a bit 'but not too much)
1 lemon 250 g mascarpone 40 g
quark cream (you can use greek yoghurt)
4 tablespoons raspberry jam
I started smashing the cookies with the pestacarne . In microwave, melt the butter I made and I mixed the powder biscuits. I lined the bottom of the pan (in my case a circle of aluminum adjustable) with baking paper, and always helping me with pestacarne) I created the base of the cheesecake and biscuits. In na bowl I whisked the eggs with sugar until the mixture to become clear. So I've added the mascarpone and beat well with a whisk until all lumps dissolve. I added the grated rind of lemon. Finally I added the quark and I mixed well. I smeared with a spoonful of jam on the basis of good biscuits, so I poured over the cream. I baked at 170 degrees for 50 minutes. When cooked, I extracted the cheesecake from the oven and I did cool down for good. The cheesecake is much lower cooling but is perfectly normal!
With this recipe for the collection of air in the kitchen :
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Acl Repair And Staph Infections
Ci sono cose che invecchiando migliorano

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'Where is the line between "old" and "experienced", the dividing line between "immortal" and "to throw away? certainly not in the eye of the beholder, but in the hearts of those who have owned the thing, he loved, he used so much to eat, torn, faded. Relics and memories. Leather jackets so that the throw via l'anno prossimo; t-shirt lacere e consunte che però mi danno un'aria così rock; jeans strappati, che mi calzano a pennello; scarpe da risuolare, che non ne avrò mai più di così comode. Ci sono cose che invecchiando migliorano, proprio come i ricordi. Immagini via Grance dore , Jack and Jil | | |
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Pain In Chest More Condition_symptoms
Elogio della collana
tied around my neck, resting between my breasts. To allow anyone else to shake my throat, to hop over the heart.
Heart Murmer More Condition_symptoms
cognac filet with thyme and bacon
I admit the naked flesh raw and not particularly excites me unless it is done on the grill, but do need to eat well and so I have to find some trick to make me pleasure. I must say that it takes very little, some spice, and I'm happy un'erbetta satisfied by my steak;) I propose, therefore, a tasty recipe that I found on modern kitchen in February (with the difference that another cut and used fresh thyme). In the picture you see the fillet accompanied by a ratatouille in the oven that you can always find here in the blog. a kiss
Ingredients (4 servings): 4 fillets of beef
a glass of cognac
slices of bacon (I do ho usate circa 2,5 per filetto)
timo secco
1 filo d'olio
sale, pepe
Ho preso i filetti e aiutandomi con degli stuzzicadenti li ho "avvolti" nello speck. Ho scaldato un filo d'olio in una pentola. Una volta calda vi ho messo i filetti e li ho fatti colorire da un lato, ho salato e pepato, quindi li ho girati dall'altra svolgendo la stessa operazione. A questo punto ho aggiunto il timo e sfumato con il cognac. Ho abbassato la fiamma e finito di far cuocere (non troppo o diventano stopposi!!).
I admit the naked flesh raw and not particularly excites me unless it is done on the grill, but do need to eat well and so I have to find some trick to make me pleasure. I must say that it takes very little, some spice, and I'm happy un'erbetta satisfied by my steak;) I propose, therefore, a tasty recipe that I found on modern kitchen in February (with the difference that another cut and used fresh thyme). In the picture you see the fillet accompanied by a ratatouille in the oven that you can always find here in the blog. a kiss
Ingredients (4 servings): 4 fillets of beef
a glass of cognac
slices of bacon (I do ho usate circa 2,5 per filetto)
timo secco
1 filo d'olio
sale, pepe
Ho preso i filetti e aiutandomi con degli stuzzicadenti li ho "avvolti" nello speck. Ho scaldato un filo d'olio in una pentola. Una volta calda vi ho messo i filetti e li ho fatti colorire da un lato, ho salato e pepato, quindi li ho girati dall'altra svolgendo la stessa operazione. A questo punto ho aggiunto il timo e sfumato con il cognac. Ho abbassato la fiamma e finito di far cuocere (non troppo o diventano stopposi!!).
When Is Boxed Heart Conversion Used
Contest 100% original
Ciao! :) Mi fa piacere oggi mettere un piccolo post su un contest che ho appena trovato ma mi ha subito colpita: 100% original di Tagli and carvings. This is a contest that you can participate with any recipe as long as the result of our imagination. As you know (or maybe you've noticed) I always try to post recipes that have at least a minimum of personal touch, because I can never take a recipe and do it again verbatim. We also say that the only time I followed without a change has come a ciofeche: D never trust! Not to mention that I regularly find myself without a (pleasant one) that would serve the ingredients and I have to change the recipe.
In any case I invite you to attend a course this nice collection. For now I participate with two recipes that I had already proposed long ago, then I'll try to add something.
The two recipes are:
Sliced \u200b\u200bturkey glazed soybeans on the two split pea soup with tarragon
swordfish with rice pilaf scented Indian-

Ciao! :) Mi fa piacere oggi mettere un piccolo post su un contest che ho appena trovato ma mi ha subito colpita: 100% original di Tagli and carvings. This is a contest that you can participate with any recipe as long as the result of our imagination. As you know (or maybe you've noticed) I always try to post recipes that have at least a minimum of personal touch, because I can never take a recipe and do it again verbatim. We also say that the only time I followed without a change has come a ciofeche: D never trust! Not to mention that I regularly find myself without a (pleasant one) that would serve the ingredients and I have to change the recipe.
In any case I invite you to attend a course this nice collection. For now I participate with two recipes that I had already proposed long ago, then I'll try to add something.
The two recipes are:
Sliced \u200b\u200bturkey glazed soybeans on the two split pea soup with tarragon
swordfish with rice pilaf scented Indian-
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