Ora, non so quanti di voi abbiano la stessa infantile passione, ma se c'è una cosa che mi mette di buon umore è guardarmi un cartone animato. Sono una fan sfegatata della disney, ma attenzione quella classica, quella di una volta che riusciva a produrre un film con vari livelli di lettura, che facevano divertire in modo diverso e uguale grandi e piccini. Aladdin, la bella e la bestia, la sirenetta, quante volte li avrò visti?
Sta di fatto che crescendo mi sembra che i film della disney abbiano un po' perso di spessore, non so se sia perché ormai un'ora di film si fa relativamente in fretta o se è stato passato il testimone da un gruppo di sceneggiatori to others, but I think it's a little 'missed that bit of magic that made those films so magnificent. I have long been wary of films made in PC, I am a big fan of hand-drawn, so it took me a while 'to get closer to pixar. Yet in the end I was won over: Nemo, raining meatballs, and he says, ratatouille. It will be that my dream would drop everything and open a chambre d'haute in France, taking cooking classes, but I was madly in love with that little mouse and his culinary adventures in Paris.
Who has seen it knows what is the formula that determines the fate of small reddish chef and his friend: the ratotuille. I had heard of it many times but I admit that I never essermene concerned the fact is that today leafing through a cookbook I see a headline: ratatouille in the oven. I said to myself it is time to also address this myth, although in an alternative version. I'm not even tell you that I changed the doses of the recipe, so in reality there are only the basic ingredients haha.
Um ... oops ... you see I'm on holiday? I wrote a poem. Vabbeh leave you the recipe: bon appetit!
Ps: in the photo you see a thread with cognac, thyme and bacon. Post the recipe soon:) a kiss
Ingredients (for 5 people): 1 eggplant
(mine was huge, if you have small usatene 2-3) 3 large tomatoes
3 zucchini 1 onion 1 yellow pepper
red pepper 1 large clove of garlic 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1 teaspoon sugar
salt, pepper
I washed and chopped the vegetables, trying to make enough pieces regular. I took a baking pan, I covered with char from the oven and I prepared the vegetables. I added salt, pepper and oil, I mixed well. I baked at 180 degrees in preheated oven.
I mixed the vinegar and sugar and I seasoned the vegetables. I need help with a pastry rings.
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