Soon the contest ends soon! Check in at the last minute with my recipe for the contest in the sea plate Valerio . It is, or should I say now it was, a collection of recipes based on fish. I chose to prepare a first, because I'm going with carbohydrates to a wedding (and the consequences are seen !!!). The recipe I chose was born a bit 'as a solution svuotafrigo, so it's simple but really tasty. all the flavors blend well together. It is also in a hurry, so no excuses, try it;)
Ingredients (serves 4): 320 g linguine
150 grams of smoked swordfish
250 grams of grilled eggplant (I used frozen ones)
oil 1 clove garlic, salt
First I put the water on the fire. In the meantime I put the eggplant to thaw quickly in the microwave. I cut the eggplant into strips. I peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bhalf a clove of garlic, the other half I split in two. I put the garlic in a pan with a little 'oil for frying and I did. I added the eggplant, salt, and I've added some 'hot pepper. I threw the pasta. In the meantime, I cut into strips swordfish with eggplant and I joined. I've drained the pasta and sauté with the sauce, adding oil and salt.
With this recipe, so I participate to the collection:

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