Sabato grasso
I always spending time closure, are incorrigible. So last night too in the market by pushing the cart and leave it to run Lino, the produce department, la lista delle verdure che mi occorrono. Io mi precipito a cercare gli ingredienti per i dolci di carnevale in vista della grande festa di oggi.
Zucchero semolato, farina, uova, burro, olio di semi di arachide, strutto, miele, uva sultanina, frutta candita, cacao in polvere, cioccolato fondente. Chi conosce le ricette dei dolci di carnevale sa che non esagero, è davvero tutto l'occorrente per preparare le chiacchiere, le frittelle e il sangunaccio. Lino mi raggiunge al banco frigo con le verdure già pesate e imbustate, da uno sguardo al contenuto del mio carrello e sorpreso mi fa: "Oddio cara, vuoi diventarmi una cicciona?". Arrossisco, ma prima che io proferisca parola, Lino adagia con dolcezza gli vegetables on the rest of the expenditure. A nice to cover cauliflower lipids, zucchini, spinach, lettuce, oranges and kiwi on the carbs. I feel more at ease now, as the men who hide the copy of Playboy in the sun 24 hours .
Now in case I see that the market has already lowered the gate a little, are the latest reviews, no one will judge me for the orgy of saturated fat you consume at home. The cashier
obese and irritated, it passes the products on the roller munching potato chips and cheese, it does not matter to the river that flows slowly calories before his eyes.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Dreamland Blade And Mount
Linguine with smoked swordfish and eggplant
Soon the contest ends soon! Check in at the last minute with my recipe for the contest in the sea plate Valerio . It is, or should I say now it was, a collection of recipes based on fish. I chose to prepare a first, because I'm going with carbohydrates to a wedding (and the consequences are seen !!!). The recipe I chose was born a bit 'as a solution svuotafrigo, so it's simple but really tasty. all the flavors blend well together. It is also in a hurry, so no excuses, try it;)
Ingredients (serves 4): 320 g linguine
150 grams of smoked swordfish
250 grams of grilled eggplant (I used frozen ones)
oil 1 clove garlic, salt
First I put the water on the fire. In the meantime I put the eggplant to thaw quickly in the microwave. I cut the eggplant into strips. I peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bhalf a clove of garlic, the other half I split in two. I put the garlic in a pan with a little 'oil for frying and I did. I added the eggplant, salt, and I've added some 'hot pepper. I threw the pasta. In the meantime, I cut into strips swordfish with eggplant and I joined. I've drained the pasta and sauté with the sauce, adding oil and salt.
With this recipe, so I participate to the collection:
Soon the contest ends soon! Check in at the last minute with my recipe for the contest in the sea plate Valerio . It is, or should I say now it was, a collection of recipes based on fish. I chose to prepare a first, because I'm going with carbohydrates to a wedding (and the consequences are seen !!!). The recipe I chose was born a bit 'as a solution svuotafrigo, so it's simple but really tasty. all the flavors blend well together. It is also in a hurry, so no excuses, try it;)
Ingredients (serves 4): 320 g linguine
150 grams of smoked swordfish
250 grams of grilled eggplant (I used frozen ones)
oil 1 clove garlic, salt
First I put the water on the fire. In the meantime I put the eggplant to thaw quickly in the microwave. I cut the eggplant into strips. I peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bhalf a clove of garlic, the other half I split in two. I put the garlic in a pan with a little 'oil for frying and I did. I added the eggplant, salt, and I've added some 'hot pepper. I threw the pasta. In the meantime, I cut into strips swordfish with eggplant and I joined. I've drained the pasta and sauté with the sauce, adding oil and salt.
With this recipe, so I participate to the collection:

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Haemolytic Anaemia More Condition_symptoms
Cocoa, coffee and lemon
The enveloping fragrance of cocoa, the pungent Coffee and surprising touch of lemon. No, not a sweet, because the main ingredient is you: D
and 'a bit' that I pay more attention not only to the ingredients of the food they buy but also a quelli dei cosmetici. Cerco di documentarmi e di sostituire i prodotti di profumeria, pieni di prodotti chimici e oltretutto costosissimi, con soluzioni alternative naturali. Molto di quello che serve si trova nelle nostre cucine, quindi perché non proporvi un modo alternativo per usare il contenuto delle vostre dispense?
La "ricetta" che vi propongo stamattina l'ho trovata sul canale di carlitadolce su Youtube ed è un impacco anticellulite. Questo impacco non solo dovrebbe lisciare la vostra pelle, ma se usato regolarmente dovrebbe ridurre la circonferenza delle cosce o comunque della zona dove ve lo spalmate. Non è la prima volta che trovo ricette a base di cacao e caffè per ridurre la cellulite, quindi ho voluto provare. you should do the packs 2-3 times a week. I will let you know if they actually effects;)
Here's what you need: 4
coffee (or a fund for 4 cups of coffee)
2 teaspoons salt 4 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa
6 drops of essential oils anti-cellulite
plastic wrap
Mix the cocoa and coffee, add the salt. Now slowly add the hot water, put a little at a time and mix well. The consistency should be that of a yogurt say. In short, you have to spread it on so it must be liquid enough to be spread but not trppo not to slip:) Finally, add the essential oil.
Now your magic potion is ready. Make sure you are alone in the house because I assure you that they let you for a ride until the end of your days alal seeing so tanned: D Now take a brush, perhaps avoid what they used to roast, not the case. :) Spennellatevi good for the buttocks, thighs, hips. Now take the film and a mummy wrap yourself cme. Do not look in the mirror: D Now find a towel, mettevelo him and find an activity you can do to chill for half an hour, which is not easy. After half an hour and give a clean disavvolgetevi to yourselves and to the bathroom at that point will be covered pap. : D
The enveloping fragrance of cocoa, the pungent Coffee and surprising touch of lemon. No, not a sweet, because the main ingredient is you: D
and 'a bit' that I pay more attention not only to the ingredients of the food they buy but also a quelli dei cosmetici. Cerco di documentarmi e di sostituire i prodotti di profumeria, pieni di prodotti chimici e oltretutto costosissimi, con soluzioni alternative naturali. Molto di quello che serve si trova nelle nostre cucine, quindi perché non proporvi un modo alternativo per usare il contenuto delle vostre dispense?
La "ricetta" che vi propongo stamattina l'ho trovata sul canale di carlitadolce su Youtube ed è un impacco anticellulite. Questo impacco non solo dovrebbe lisciare la vostra pelle, ma se usato regolarmente dovrebbe ridurre la circonferenza delle cosce o comunque della zona dove ve lo spalmate. Non è la prima volta che trovo ricette a base di cacao e caffè per ridurre la cellulite, quindi ho voluto provare. you should do the packs 2-3 times a week. I will let you know if they actually effects;)
Here's what you need: 4
coffee (or a fund for 4 cups of coffee)
2 teaspoons salt 4 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa
6 drops of essential oils anti-cellulite
plastic wrap
Mix the cocoa and coffee, add the salt. Now slowly add the hot water, put a little at a time and mix well. The consistency should be that of a yogurt say. In short, you have to spread it on so it must be liquid enough to be spread but not trppo not to slip:) Finally, add the essential oil.
Now your magic potion is ready. Make sure you are alone in the house because I assure you that they let you for a ride until the end of your days alal seeing so tanned: D Now take a brush, perhaps avoid what they used to roast, not the case. :) Spennellatevi good for the buttocks, thighs, hips. Now take the film and a mummy wrap yourself cme. Do not look in the mirror: D Now find a towel, mettevelo him and find an activity you can do to chill for half an hour, which is not easy. After half an hour and give a clean disavvolgetevi to yourselves and to the bathroom at that point will be covered pap. : D
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
White Finger More Condition_symptoms
Come Miranda Hobbes
might as well close the blog for a week, or perhaps I should close the message board, not to suffer the devastating impact of the fashion week in Milan. Something worse happen when H & M presented the Lanvin collection, there will be another topic of conversation beyond fashion? you say no, beyond themselves and the exciting events that has been invitate.Tanto for not doing the Cinderella, locked in the basement of the building comb in mice, I will tell you how all the bloggers also my inbox is been invaded by dozens of invitations PDF format . Premieres, press conferences, exhibitions, short events, events, events. But I'll be here plugging away, divided between work and family life, family and work, because I am not Carrie Bradshaw, in spite of the name of my blog, where I duly replaced the look of sex that is not stuff for monogamous. I feel as Miranda Hobbes, consult, pragmatic, all work and family, fall by chance on a pair of heels 12, escaped the condemnation of 'a breadstick lunch' .
Creto had, twenty years, I'd go to Milan, put on my leather pants and shoes roller blades to run from one end to another of the city sure not to miss anything, especially the buffet!
The collage of pictures is taken from the blog French Frosting
Creto had, twenty years, I'd go to Milan, put on my leather pants and shoes roller blades to run from one end to another of the city sure not to miss anything, especially the buffet!
The collage of pictures is taken from the blog French Frosting
Monday, February 21, 2011
Marriage License Bureau In Queens
Like a ballerina
I already know what to wear next spring. I know that we would like satin shoes and skirts of tulle, chiffon impalpable, adorable shrug, leg warmers mohair. And all this I do not know because I've seen the proposals anticipazionie fashion, but because I saw the black swan . I know that we will be influenced by the elegance and grace by Natalie Portman, who will try to incorporate the elegance of classical ballet in the our daily lives, we try and get to the bus stop on tiptoe.

images via: erineverafter, blak swan, the cherry blossom girl, oh fashion model.
What Does Clomphene Citrate Pills Look Like
Ladies and Gentlemen: the ratatouille (baked though)
Ora, non so quanti di voi abbiano la stessa infantile passione, ma se c'è una cosa che mi mette di buon umore è guardarmi un cartone animato. Sono una fan sfegatata della disney, ma attenzione quella classica, quella di una volta che riusciva a produrre un film con vari livelli di lettura, che facevano divertire in modo diverso e uguale grandi e piccini. Aladdin, la bella e la bestia, la sirenetta, quante volte li avrò visti?
Sta di fatto che crescendo mi sembra che i film della disney abbiano un po' perso di spessore, non so se sia perché ormai un'ora di film si fa relativamente in fretta o se è stato passato il testimone da un gruppo di sceneggiatori to others, but I think it's a little 'missed that bit of magic that made those films so magnificent. I have long been wary of films made in PC, I am a big fan of hand-drawn, so it took me a while 'to get closer to pixar. Yet in the end I was won over: Nemo, raining meatballs, and he says, ratatouille. It will be that my dream would drop everything and open a chambre d'haute in France, taking cooking classes, but I was madly in love with that little mouse and his culinary adventures in Paris.
Who has seen it knows what is the formula that determines the fate of small reddish chef and his friend: the ratotuille. I had heard of it many times but I admit that I never essermene concerned the fact is that today leafing through a cookbook I see a headline: ratatouille in the oven. I said to myself it is time to also address this myth, although in an alternative version. I'm not even tell you that I changed the doses of the recipe, so in reality there are only the basic ingredients haha.
Um ... oops ... you see I'm on holiday? I wrote a poem. Vabbeh leave you the recipe: bon appetit!
Ps: in the photo you see a thread with cognac, thyme and bacon. Post the recipe soon:) a kiss
Ingredients (for 5 people): 1 eggplant
(mine was huge, if you have small usatene 2-3) 3 large tomatoes
3 zucchini 1 onion 1 yellow pepper
red pepper 1 large clove of garlic 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1 teaspoon sugar
salt, pepper
I washed and chopped the vegetables, trying to make enough pieces regular. I took a baking pan, I covered with char from the oven and I prepared the vegetables. I added salt, pepper and oil, I mixed well. I baked at 180 degrees in preheated oven.
I mixed the vinegar and sugar and I seasoned the vegetables. I need help with a pastry rings.
Ora, non so quanti di voi abbiano la stessa infantile passione, ma se c'è una cosa che mi mette di buon umore è guardarmi un cartone animato. Sono una fan sfegatata della disney, ma attenzione quella classica, quella di una volta che riusciva a produrre un film con vari livelli di lettura, che facevano divertire in modo diverso e uguale grandi e piccini. Aladdin, la bella e la bestia, la sirenetta, quante volte li avrò visti?
Sta di fatto che crescendo mi sembra che i film della disney abbiano un po' perso di spessore, non so se sia perché ormai un'ora di film si fa relativamente in fretta o se è stato passato il testimone da un gruppo di sceneggiatori to others, but I think it's a little 'missed that bit of magic that made those films so magnificent. I have long been wary of films made in PC, I am a big fan of hand-drawn, so it took me a while 'to get closer to pixar. Yet in the end I was won over: Nemo, raining meatballs, and he says, ratatouille. It will be that my dream would drop everything and open a chambre d'haute in France, taking cooking classes, but I was madly in love with that little mouse and his culinary adventures in Paris.
Who has seen it knows what is the formula that determines the fate of small reddish chef and his friend: the ratotuille. I had heard of it many times but I admit that I never essermene concerned the fact is that today leafing through a cookbook I see a headline: ratatouille in the oven. I said to myself it is time to also address this myth, although in an alternative version. I'm not even tell you that I changed the doses of the recipe, so in reality there are only the basic ingredients haha.
Um ... oops ... you see I'm on holiday? I wrote a poem. Vabbeh leave you the recipe: bon appetit!
Ps: in the photo you see a thread with cognac, thyme and bacon. Post the recipe soon:) a kiss
Ingredients (for 5 people): 1 eggplant
(mine was huge, if you have small usatene 2-3) 3 large tomatoes
3 zucchini 1 onion 1 yellow pepper
red pepper 1 large clove of garlic 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1 teaspoon sugar
salt, pepper
I washed and chopped the vegetables, trying to make enough pieces regular. I took a baking pan, I covered with char from the oven and I prepared the vegetables. I added salt, pepper and oil, I mixed well. I baked at 180 degrees in preheated oven.
I mixed the vinegar and sugar and I seasoned the vegetables. I need help with a pastry rings.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Ver Wang Wedding Gowns
warm salad of pumpkin and chestnuts and spicy
Buh! Does anyone still? I hope so! :) I'm almost back
say! The tests were given, unfortunately, the degree was postponed, but in theory, March 28 should be the big day:) Let's hope so! In the meantime, however, are on vacation and I can finally have fun in the kitchen! Before leaving the recipe today but I wanted to make a nod to the news that I mentioned in the previous post. First I'm going to add a new section devoted to recipes from the blog readers:) So if anyone has a blog but want to share his recipe with others foodblogger I will be happy to publish it:) Second
little thing, my way to communicate with you most likely will change, or rather will expand. Yes, I'm going to open an account on a site ... let's see if anyone guess;)
Should I open all soon:)
Not to bore you too much with my talk, I leave you now with this recipe made more than a month ago, I never had time to post. I liked the pier, I hope, too! a kiss
PS: the doses are approximate because they put a little 'more than a bit or take' the other does not change the substance of the recipe, then go to taste)
Ingredients (for 3 people )
already peeled pumpkin (about 400-500 g)
canned lentils (half carton)
black olives (about 15)
feta cheese (100 grams more or less)
frozen peeled chestnuts (a handful)
garlic (2 cloves)
Cloves (2)
Cinnamon oil, salt, pepper
I cut the pumpkin into little cubes and I put in boiling salted water to boil. Once cooked, but still firm, I drained. I also boiled chestnuts. I drained and rinsed lentils el. I peeled the garlic and crushed me. I poured the oil in a frying pan, I added the cloves, cinnamon and garlic. I did brown the garlic, so I added the pumpkin and chestnuts. So I added the olives, I salted and peppered. I cut the feta into small cubes and I've added in the pan, the fire is out. I deleted garlic and cloves, stir well and I have served.
Buh! Does anyone still? I hope so! :) I'm almost back
say! The tests were given, unfortunately, the degree was postponed, but in theory, March 28 should be the big day:) Let's hope so! In the meantime, however, are on vacation and I can finally have fun in the kitchen! Before leaving the recipe today but I wanted to make a nod to the news that I mentioned in the previous post. First I'm going to add a new section devoted to recipes from the blog readers:) So if anyone has a blog but want to share his recipe with others foodblogger I will be happy to publish it:) Second
little thing, my way to communicate with you most likely will change, or rather will expand. Yes, I'm going to open an account on a site ... let's see if anyone guess;)
Should I open all soon:)
Not to bore you too much with my talk, I leave you now with this recipe made more than a month ago, I never had time to post. I liked the pier, I hope, too! a kiss
PS: the doses are approximate because they put a little 'more than a bit or take' the other does not change the substance of the recipe, then go to taste)
Ingredients (for 3 people )
already peeled pumpkin (about 400-500 g)
canned lentils (half carton)
black olives (about 15)
feta cheese (100 grams more or less)
frozen peeled chestnuts (a handful)
garlic (2 cloves)
Cloves (2)
Cinnamon oil, salt, pepper
I cut the pumpkin into little cubes and I put in boiling salted water to boil. Once cooked, but still firm, I drained. I also boiled chestnuts. I drained and rinsed lentils el. I peeled the garlic and crushed me. I poured the oil in a frying pan, I added the cloves, cinnamon and garlic. I did brown the garlic, so I added the pumpkin and chestnuts. So I added the olives, I salted and peppered. I cut the feta into small cubes and I've added in the pan, the fire is out. I deleted garlic and cloves, stir well and I have served.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Bacterial Infections More Condition_symptoms
Quando una rosa
When a rose, you check on the dress you grow in your hair, you unexpectedly blossoms on the lapel of his jacket.
When a rose, his face lights up, you'll cheer the day, ripping a joyous smile to those who look at you.
When a rose enriches your style, customize your look. When a
pink delights all the senses despite not smell.
images by: Kate Ryan, FGR, Sarah Klassen.

When a rose, you check on the dress you grow in your hair, you unexpectedly blossoms on the lapel of his jacket.
When a rose, his face lights up, you'll cheer the day, ripping a joyous smile to those who look at you.
pink delights all the senses despite not smell.
images by: Kate Ryan, FGR, Sarah Klassen.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Ricetta per San Valentino
Recipe for Valentine's Day:
In a saucepan, mix two tablespoons of Endearment with a handful of passion. Keep stirring so that the two ingredients are not sticking and pour a glass of wire romance.
Sense of humor, enough.
Serve hot.
Happy Valentine's Day to all.
Recipe for Valentine's Day:
In a saucepan, mix two tablespoons of Endearment with a handful of passion. Keep stirring so that the two ingredients are not sticking and pour a glass of wire romance.
Sense of humor, enough.
Serve hot.
Happy Valentine's Day to all.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Tooth Infection More Condition_symptoms
Esercizio fisico
My husband says I need to find a little 'time to do exercise, which would benefit my body and my psyche. I replied that I could find a few hours a week by subtracting the time to home and family.
He did not answer.
Today when I came back from work I found the ladder ready to wait in the corridor.
"I prepared the scale," he says to me, "because I noticed that the curtains would be to wash, no longer have that nice smell fresh."
was only then that I realized my husband what he meant by the term "exercise." I took
backpack and went to join the gym.
images by Sarah Klassen,
My husband says I need to find a little 'time to do exercise, which would benefit my body and my psyche. I replied that I could find a few hours a week by subtracting the time to home and family.
He did not answer.
Today when I came back from work I found the ladder ready to wait in the corridor.
"I prepared the scale," he says to me, "because I noticed that the curtains would be to wash, no longer have that nice smell fresh."
was only then that I realized my husband what he meant by the term "exercise." I took
backpack and went to join the gym.
images by Sarah Klassen,
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Signs Of Liver Damage More Condition_symptoms
A cap warms you, pamper you afresh. A cap will take care of you, helps you to endure the cold.
There are days when I can not leave the house without taking a hood ... decaffeinated, foam with skim milk.
images via Dress Design Decor, French frosting, Stardust Sequin to
A cap warms you, pamper you afresh. A cap will take care of you, helps you to endure the cold.
There are days when I can not leave the house without taking a hood ... decaffeinated, foam with skim milk.
images via Dress Design Decor, French frosting, Stardust Sequin to
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