Saturday, December 13, 2008

Michael J. Everton Divorce

Flooding Aniene

Here's what you see from my window this morning ... Live just above the Aniene in Rome nomentana area. Luckily my house is the Aniene Park, a wide green area, which upheld the flooding Aniene. Without the park, the amount of water dropped in recent days have flooded across my path, creating damage on damage.
Rome today woke up with the sun .... thankfully!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Run Python From Batch File

Silence, please

Often we run, we're stuck in traffic, stress and how to say a poem is immersed in the noisy confusion of life .... It will be trivial, but a sincere silence is worth a thousand words. The best way to learn to listen to others and know how to shut up but also be able to hear themselves. Even before themselves around us. I listen to my sea, the sounds of ships, the light of the world around me. But nature does not always produce sounds sweet and subdued, sometimes deafening. The noise of the city is definitely nevrotizzante. But the silence is not tolerated by our brain ... these certain things can not exist in nature, Our body makes noises .. and the only one at this moment I can hear is the sound of the heart. If you have nothing better than silence, hush! A phrase that means everything! Why talk when you do not have anything to say? Sometimes it is worth much more than a glance, a gesture than a thousand words ... Why do hover in nonsense words, in times when everything you need to do is just shut up and listen ... Listen to what your heart tells you, tells you what to listen to the wind, listen to what you said to the sea ... and if you do not hear anything, try to listen to what your heart tells of those around you ... Only special people know how to listen to your silence is there any recognition ... but there are times, in cui ritengo che il silenzio sia assolutamente necessario, che qualsiasi parola in più sia inutile, per chi la sente e soprattutto per chi la dice... Dei momenti, in cui tutto il resto passa in secondo piano e hai bisogno di sentire solo quello che hai dentro di te o quello che hai intorno a te... Può anche essere una forma di egoismo il silenzio, quando io dico ho bisogno di silenzio, quando tutte le parole mi sembrano inutili, magari qualcun altro, in quel momento, non ne ha bisogno...Però a volte nella vita bisogna anche essere un po' egoisti, è nell'ordine delle cose...
Questo post non ha nessuna pretesa, anche perchè sarebbe un'impresa inutile e ardua voler cambiare le persone, ho solo voluto lasciar parlare il mio cuore, in silenzio, e se qualcuno si sente toccato da queste parole... pazienza...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Diabetics More Condition_symptoms


Ho gli occhi arrossati dalle lacrime e un nodo alla gola che non vuole scendere.

Come è difficile dovere mandar giù certi atteggiamenti e certe affermazioni solo perchè si vuole bene a qualcuno. Ho sempre cercato di abbandonare la mia gelosia, la mia possessività nei confronti delle persone che amo solo per non vederle soffrire e solo per non metterle in situazioni di scelta. Come posso chiedere a mio padre di scegliere tra me e la moglie? Ho 33 anni e certi tipi di situazioni le ho sempre messe da parte. Mi dico in continuazione che sono grande per avere questi sentimenti. Ma ci sono giorni che proprio non riesco to swallow.

And today is just one of them.

I've behaved badly, and I was not there ntipatica it presumptuous.

I just do not ask permission to see my father ...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Teletransfer Ta-tt201


.. my culinary creative side!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mount And Blade Artwork

Goodnight ...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stradivara Phonograph


ever feel confused. And I am of nature. Doubtful to everything in this world. I guess I never really grew up. Sometimes I wonder if maybe I have grown too quickly. I look and I think . Often strap. Vago illegal in a world that no longer seems to mine. My only exists in my thoughts. Mine is a different world. In this world I realize I have a lot of flaws and I'm sorry. There is always one that I recognize, but often to defend or fight for what matters to them, I lock myself in silence and wait for it's time to give me a reason, but in doing so lose a lot of people I care. ..
Sorry ...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lumps More Condition_symptoms

There is no other reason to live.
Yet it takes little to dim the sun.
we are different people together who decide to walk together.
Un passo per volta.

A volte mi capita di svegliarmi e pensare di vivere una favola, altri giorni invece non ricordo come si fa a camminare insieme.
Mano nella mano.

L'amore, l'unione che porta due esseri umani ad annullarsi e vivere l'uno nell'altro.
Potenza immaginabile per cui- qualcuno diceva - si può essere disposti a morire.
Per me si deve essere disposti a vivere.
Una ragione in più per cui si è disposti a vivere.
E non c'è cosa più difficile.
Ci sono pensieri che ti passano nella testa e basta uno sguardo per farli andare via. Other
lurking and discover them only when it rains. The first
clouds, are the ones that scare me ...
I know it's hard to Starmie next.
I have a crazy fear of showing my feelings, for fear of unintended consequences ...
I wake up and I panic that all this will end ... but most of the time I leave there, in the bottom drawer to live and pass on the good part of the report, the gentleness, love, I still want to feel good a person who has now taken the place of fear .. unforgettable experiences ... making me feel forgotten and found ...

But maybe sometimes I lose something ...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Confindentiality Clause

Love is what happened to me ...

I have always detto che l'amore arriva all'improvviso, e io non ci ho mai creduto, fino a quando dalla finestra accostata è entrato un uragano che ha cambiato la mia vita.
Mi sono innamorata, innamorata come se non lo fossi mai stata prima.
Innamorata follemente di ogni magico minuto passato. Insieme ai suoi occhi che mi fanno tremare il cuore, innamorata delle sue mani tra le mie, dei suoi abbracci...
Sono fortunata.
Fortunata e innamorata. Grazie a questo amore ho ritrovato la spontaneità che credevo persa, mi sento risvegliata da un sonno profondo... Ecco cosa mi è successo...
la mia mente è invasa da mille istanti meravigliosi che hanno spazzato via di un colpo la tristezza che perversava nella my everyday life. Whenever we're apart, I miss the moments spent in sleep in your arms, legs intertwined, tickling, laughter on the bed, lunches and dinners cooked together, the long talks before bed.

I like it.

Like the complicity we have created together, and I like the desire to stay together and grow together ... and I'm feeling a feeling, suddenly, bigger than I thought and I hope it never ends .. .


look confidently to the future because I've learned to laugh at the past ...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Breast Tenderness More Condition_symptoms

I know that something has changed ....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Curtain Swag Clip Art

Sudden Summer 2008 - Mind

Come il primo tuono del temporale estivo, una granata, una porta sbattuta all'improvviso in una grande casa immersa nel silenzio... succede che , mentre osservi la tua vita che scorre quasi incontrollabile a tratti, e le persone vogliono... succede che ci sono spiragli di sole improvvisi... e tu ti senti che sei stanca, inaridita e disillusa. Distaccata di fronte all'esasperata esternazione e ti chiudi, ti copri, ti difendi, ti schernisci. Cinica, ironica e ti rendi conto che spesso accade che le strade si incrociano in momenti sbagliati. Ciò che desideravi ieri accade oggi, ciò you can not have it today like, what you want you can not have two. When you least expect it. And then in August is almost over. One month to rest and not think about anything. To recover from the stress of continuous and relentless routine. The blind obstinacy and unreflective. The obstinate sull'irrilevante. The weather at times exacerbates intolerance. The unbearable extremes, turning ... sudden . It 'really since I was born that suddenly, a little' to my natural inclination, a bit 'requirement', because come on, let's face it, life is sometimes really good (or cruel, depending on your point of view) to give you the 'Unexpected, maybe you're there che ti organizzi, pianifichi, progetti, e poi puff (boccetta ninja e fumo), arriva un soffio di vento e ti manda all’aria il tuo bel castello di carte, e poi chissà da dove, da un momento all’altro ti scompiglia i capelli e la quotidianità. E nessuno può mai davvero essere pronto per alcune di quelle cose che la vita, ogni tanto, si diverte a presentarti, che sia perdita, che sia amore, che sia gioia, che sia dolore. Nessuno, nemmeno quelli che fanno i duri, nemmeno gli specialisti, gli studiosi, i filosofi, nemmeno i pignoli, i metodici, i precisi, nemmeno quelli che sul loro taccuino ci segnano quante calorie ingeriscono al giorno e persino le volte che fanno all’amore. Nessuno . Men che mai Io. Perché sì, sarò anche un essere dannatamente cerebrale (e lo sono, mannaggia a me se lo sono...), però poi non sono così brava a rispettare i programmi, gli schemi, i sentieri tracciati, che non riesco a non stare dietro ai miei impulsi, alle mie emozioni, a quello che mi sento solleticare sulla pelle e sotto la pelle. Istinto & pensiero, cuore & cervello, vivo queste dualità che spesso sfociano in conflitto, ma poi, alla fine, ad avere la meglio è quello che chiamo il mio fatalismo in senso positivo, il mio essere convinta che in fondo accade quello che deve accadere, l’importante è esserci, esserne consapevole, e vivere il momento al meglio. Improvviso , even in the face of love, maybe to make me step eternal instant film in the lead, but then at the right time does not remember any advice pink you read in newspapers under the umbrellas, I can not take advantage of the proven techniques of seduction, to Putting into practice the 'wise' advice of friends. Sudden having the time of my heart. That sometimes beats fast, others silent ... Sudden , here's what I do more or less thirty-three. And I like it that way. Because in the end, to improvise, I feel I am ready to face whatever life decides to go ahead, I feel I can be able to better accommodate whatever I can happen overnight, just like that, suddenly .

Friday, August 8, 2008

South Park Pirate Fish Sticks

over and over, again

Track 3 - over and over

Life is made up of many small daily struggles, duties to which we must obey and leave the impression of missing time .

My mind is a wanderer.

stay still I worry and salt for every place I visit my mind travels from those that will never see. This morning I woke up with the wind that knocked on the window ... traveled roads invisible wind up down in the park Aniene. I stayed there for a while to take the essence, until you feel overflowing heart. I'm not a person off, anything, but my efforts in this life seem similar to that crazy, I always told my grandmother, who tried to dry up the river drinking ... it's like there was always someone with a lot more thirsty than I . And I'm wasting my chances, I feel lost on paths unknown and anxiety for those who have undertaken. In theory, life should be as simple as breathing, but when we breathe, we do not think when to inhale and exhale air, and then, perhaps, but say just maybe, should think less and live longer.
E 'with indescribable sweetness that should accommodate those moments when you dedicate yourself, you are discarding the clothes to work, they sit on the table the important thoughts, concerns, and turns the mind to all those things that are real reason why we live. Why is it so, we endure pain and bitterness, difficult situations and colleagues is not heavy because we have to, but simply because we know there is something else: but there is a prize that awaits us? studies and work I have always been confined to construction sites and offices, meeting rooms and debris, but if I can when I can escape. Who cares if my trips are short-term goals or my neighbors. No matter if in this period of my life journey alone. Traveling is satisfied my desire to see, speak, learn and find new places to remember and imagine in those moments when I longed so much behind that desk, and so little used. And then there are the books. Certain periods of my life I can only say that the books have saved me, I do not know who or what, but I'm sure they did. As far as I know, some people consider me a little expansive, I absolutely needs of others. not those "other" indistinct and mass forming the background against which inevitably spend long days, months and years. The "other" I try, I miss, which I feel the need to share a thought, I love to meet, those who embrace those of seeking physical contact, those with which it is enough just to stay together in silence to give me peace, give me happiness, few people with whom I feel I have shared a little 'blood. These are the people who made my world brighter. They are also the people who today, for one reason or another, there are no more physically walk regularly ... but in my heart ... memories are just memories that if I lean on me for a moment the emotions overlap. And I remember the emotions are no longer what I felt then, remembering the emotions even buy a new light and dimension fantastic ... In recent months I have been told many times, perhaps as a rebuke, that is a cool person, and I firmly refused, because I feel the blood boiling just beneath my skin, but I wonder if they are right.

What you feel inside should be evident even out ... or not?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Metal Core Scooter Wheels


Thanks to all ... Yesterday
were completed filming the short film "stragista.
Noooo I did not make the actress ... I was a simple scemografa! Fortunately, my department was headed by a real designer.

Everything is born of the evil mind of my friend Almost, aka Silvia, on the set (despite everything), they perform really great.

Here we see it spoiled my colleagues / extras ... that was amazing.

thanks to the production, aid director, the engineer crowds, the costumes and the great script supervisor ... below!

ciackista ... the official ...

And most importantly, thanks to the Cello ... clickante promptly, and outstanding on the set.

For other photos please refer to the link Set - stragista.

... I remind you that the extras casting office, which I edited very well, is open for the next five courts that we will turn as soon as possible!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Metal Core Scooter Wheels 4 Sales

Women, men and

1) Why, our boys are proving relentless in judging the beautiful women, our teleDonnine public, often while sharing life with examples of female charm and dall'avvenenza questionable? "Chastity ..... But come on! Nice one there? But please! But that has teeth? all crooked ... and French is !»... to tell me, that puts even years trentaepassi the device at night because drighigno teeth at night?
But if the Navy, for you boys, is obese. The Falcon is too fake ... Schiffer is ugly, how can someone please explain the male sphere I ask even the word!

2) The beautiful women. Did you ever hear the interviews? I wonder what the interview to make the game then that team if you repeat it always and only their little phrase: "What hurts me most is that people will stop only the outward appearance and not try to see how we are made inside. " There. Apart from the fact that, instead, somehow I'm not here to tell, 'I'm inside would not see time to explore ... care buxom, rest assured! Could it be that we who are so-so, the old story is so different. I can assure you that no one jumps on to see how we made inside as outside that leave little to be desired!
E 3) Explain, then, how come all these buxom only have defects such as: "I am very sensitive" or "I have the defect of being too generous." But look a bit ', the pride of my mental ... qualities that are not defective! Why not tell us what are scorbutic like a parakeet, and ignorant as a goat with a brain as a big rubber band buble chewed for hours?
It will be like
Gaber says: "Everyone has an infinite that it deserves."

Friday, July 18, 2008

What Is Hepatitisc More Condition_symptoms

television and I love: my first crush in

This is a subject of a child of 9 years ....
... I think love is bigger than all the other things in the world when you're in love you feel something really special. Can you think of certain things that make you happy, and without even realizing it, you're drooling on the counter and you're watching her, then the teacher yells your name and return in the normal world! then think "Ugh that beard was almost ... (kissing her in the dream!). Find the girl you love is very difficult because usually the" women " do not know how to enjoy life as we "men". Women want to be always right, want to have many "nutshell", takes three hours to get those horrible things on the face. I say, people look at us! We're also in love with some of us, but we mica we put on lipstick! When you dress always call her girlfriends for advice on how to dress. For women, handsome men are those who are muscular as well as being "rich" Fortunately, I, in my class, I found one that is not so, but it is much smarter, because she does not think about money, is a that if the know how to enjoy life! She, like me satisfied even slightly. I play the fourth and fell in love with her, instead lei non è innamorata di me, ma era innamorata di me in 3a e quindi ora sono innamorato da solo!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cappillaries In The Chest


Una sconfitta.

Ho in bocca il sapore amaro dell’illusione. Forse è più la consapevolezza della disillusione. O anche la l’illusione di una riuscita fallita, o di una emancipazione mai avvenuta, e ancora l'illusione di un benessere insano. O forse è solo disillusione.


Parole mai dette e sensi di colpa pesanti che ti pendono sulla testa, per poi sentirli un giorno si e un giorno no. Ho represso il dolore, provocando altro dolore soffro piango taccio e mi arrendo. Ma resto concreta e disillusa, conscia che qualsivoglia sprazzo di desiderio è destinato a infrangersi contro un muro di basalto, ottusamente, ciclicamente, cinicamente ostinata, con sdegno, con impeto.

Come onde contro una scogliera.

Sono disillusa e concreta quando sistemo i 50 cent nella taschina dei miei jeans. Sono ferma e distaccata. Illusa, inequivocabilmente chiara e distinta, mentre l'odore di fiamme impazzite mi penetra nelle narici. La senti? la constant D, the Final Demolition of my vow of Disillusionment. D as destiny. D as a red dragon. D as a dynamic ... Disaster, Loss, Women, Duel, Damn, Durability, Damage, but basically .... Desire.
The duel is just beginning, and has already done enough damage. Leaving the field against the Red Dragon not have escape routes. E 'struggle continues ... clings to you and intoxicate you with its intermittent flames. Squinting, Donna, you're just another piece of living cells ... the answer is unknown ... but maybe it's just a game.

deluded "and suddenly everything went dark, the shadows stretched until it was lost in the night when the The old boy took her hand and asked "God weeps like us?". Meanwhile, the first drops began to fall, the smell of rain, making breathing rose, while the old man clutching his coat said, "God weeps often, I believe, only that we can not know. this is like rain, you know it when you get wet. "

The man is like the rain, we see the other only when we meet, when we collide with them. Just like the rain we quotas, accessories accidental. We will spend as long as rain rain and more rain will not wash away everything. Would you like to move but you know that if you move everything, though it goes, another will be different and you find yourself watching the rain fall, more drops will mark your face and you know that more rain will fall, but "can not rain forever."

or not?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rodney Dangerfield Quit Smoking

The Cedar of Lebanon

you imagined as a young cedar of Lebanon. A young tree, was a gift from the generous hands and planted in the earth. In the most friendly and enlightened of my land. I would have expected to see your take thick bark, your leaves changing to dark green and stretch, your slender figure upwards. I saw your wonderful open umbrella take your leaves and spectacular, reassuring form. I expected, it . With trepidation, carefully, with tender devotion, I would have expected. No hurry without cursing never a single day, including the ones you have grown a little more slowly than expected. I was careful to keep away the annoying animals, those that dig holes, those that threaten the torso. I spared nothing that had defied your presence. I would have found that every drop of your sap had flowed freely from the heart of the earth to the top of your sensitive leaves. I prayed, because it had rained enough. Enough . I wanted to change only in your glory.

Quel tuo sostare li, nella mia Terra.

Ombra che mi salva e nulla più...